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mail40,138 views7:41 Is je zoon klaar voor zijn examen Nederlands ?by Jean-François Borgniet14,365 views6:01 Op School! -------- ds?by Jean-François Borgniet14,365 views6:01 Op School! Woord enschatby Jean-François Borgniet11,142 views8:53 Easy Dut
Informational Add: Pattern Deduction AI Connect 4 in 2 Moves: An AI trying to do it the Human way-re1ppp-re0ppp
I think the concept of pattern deduction will be a central and main paradigm in AI because it does not depend on huge computing power and memory size as brute force AI does. In fact pattern deduction is an attempt to simulate a more human and as such smarter form of modelling and reasoning than brute force: an AI trying to do it the human way.
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