
Covid World 2022-10-09: Estimated Extra Deaths 31 Million and Estimated Serious Adverse Effects 1.9 Billion for 3 Years of Sars-Cov-2 Virus and Vaccine Bioweapons

The two main differences with the previous estimates on 2022-10-01 are the following. First, 11 countries, for about 0.6 billion people, were added to the estimate base data. As such the current estimate base data consists of 47 countries for about 2.3 billion people. This makes the current estimates more representative for the whole world. Second, for estimating the serious adverse effects the extra deaths of 2021 and 2022 are taken fully into account as input instead of half in the previous estimates.

The extra deaths estimates for 2020, 2021 and 2022 are based on officially reported and factual deaths in the countries mentioned in the table below. For the source of all the used data see the Our World in Data links in the appendix. Extra deaths (see columns 2020 ED, 2021 ED and 2022 ED in the table below) are calculated as the difference of:
- the factual number of total deaths in the concerned year. The missing months of the incomplete 2022 year are estimated by extrapolation of the monthly average of all known months from january 2021 on.
- the for yearly evolution corrected average of the five preceding years 2015-2019. The yearly correction factor used is 0.75% and was calculated based on the evolution of the sum of deaths of all countries below in 2015-2019. For the 2020 ED estimate the correction factor 0.75% was three times (reference year 2017) applied on the 5 year average, for 2021 ED four times and for 2022 ED five times.
In other words the extra deaths estimates are in fact the excess deaths after correction for an expected yearly evolution, an expected yearly without the mass vaccination and covid bioweapons.

Then to calculate the 2020 ED estimate for the world, first the column ED/100K (extra deaths per 100K people of the country) is calculated. Then this column is aggregated which results in 112 extra deaths per 100K people. The latter value is applied on the world population which results into 9 million extra deaths in 2020, the first year with the Covid bioweapon deployed.

To calculate the 2021 ED estimate for the world, first the column ED21/MDoses (extra deaths per million doses given in the country) is calculated. This column is aggregated which results in 961 extra deaths per million doses. The latter value is applied on the world doses which results into 12.1 million extra deaths in 2021, the first year with the vaccine bioweapon and second year with the Covid bioweapon deployed.

To calculate the 2022 ED estimate for the world, first the column ED22/MDoses (extra deaths per million doses given in the country) is calculated. This column is aggregated which results in 763 extra deaths per million doses. The latter value is applied on the world doses which results into 9.6 million extra deaths in 2022, the second year with the vaccine bioweapon and third year with the Covid bioweapon deployed. (press ctrl+ for more image detail below.)

The estimate for people with serious adverse effects is calculated by multiplying the estimated extra deaths (in 2021 and 2022) by an estimated ratio reported adverse effects / reported deaths after covid vaccination. The ratio used is 87.6 and was calculated from the table "Estimated Probabilities After Covid Vaccination" for all ages in the article below. This results in an estimated 1.1 billion serious adverse effects for 2021 and 0.8 billion for 2022. @ArchiveOrg%20Frontline%20Workers%20Testimonies%20and%20VAERs%20 Covid%20Vaccination%20Adverse%20Events%20%E2%80%93%20March%202021 &relationship=All&drsid=0&pisid=0&page=1

Considering the estimated 31 million extra deaths and estimated 1.9 billion serious adverse effects for 3 Years of deployed Sars-Cov-2 virus and vaccine bioweapons the words bioweaponized, propagandized, lured, coerced and mandated depopulation and genocides should not be taboo.

Furthermore there are about 10 million extra deaths yearly worldwide since 2020. If these extra deaths are continued this will result in 110 million extra deaths by the end of 2030 from these bioweapons since 2020.

For the sake of estimating, certain assumptions about the domain were introduced. If one or some of those assumptions would be far off target, for example as more data becomes available and is integrated in the estimation or some data appears faulty, the current estimates and trends could be seriously unvalidated.

Because of the mass propaganda, corrupted science, lack of truthful science and censorship in the mainstream media and on tech platforms, thus the elites, many people still think Sars-Cov-2 is a naturally evolved virus. Truthful science though proofs beyond any doubt Sars-Cov-2 is designed and made by humans in a biolab. After all and first of all, science shows the genetic code of Sars-Cov-2 contains several labmade inserts, not natural mutations or recombinations of natural viruses. Because these inserted codes (PRRA, HIV gp120, ...) are much too large and too many and because these genetic codes only appear in other natural viruses that are genetically much too different from Sars-Cov-2 the probability that Sars-Cov-2 has naturally mutated or recombined from other natural viruses is quasi zero! Furthermore there exists a substantial trail of documents and testimonies, years before and after the release of Sars-Cov-2, about these genetic codes and the existing biochemical technology needed to insert them: financing of the research, scientific documents, patents, ... . See the links below for sources and science:

Dr. Richard M. Fleming MD: sworn testimony that COVID-19 is a bio-weapon Dr.-Richard-Fleming-Testifies-_-Bio-Weapon-aka-C-19-- the-Vaccines:e

Dr. Richard Fleming on Montagnier's discovery of HIV in Spike Protein dr.-richard-fleming-on-montagniers-discovery-of- hiv-in-spike-protein.html

"The virus comes from a lab!" appears from the Veritas Revelation project ... military-documents-about-gain-of-function- contradict-fauci-testimony-under-.html

Coronavirus: Are Our Scientists Lying To Us? coronavirus-are-our-scientists-lying-to-us.html

SARS-CoV-2 is likely a lab construct exploring-the-links-between-sars-cov-2-covid-vaccines- hiv-and-immune-deficiency/#user-heading-7

The Origin of SARS-CoV-2 the-origin-of-sars-cov-2.html

Since the gentech Covid "vaccines" make the human bodycells produce during months up to years huge amounts of the toxic spike protein of Sars-Cov-2, in fact in all organs and tissues much greater amounts than the average (dominantly only mucosal) infection with Sars-Cov-2 itself which for the majority of healthy unvaccinated people causes hardly any illness (just coldlike symptons), these gentech Covid "vaccines" are of course themselves bioweapons and much worse than the virus itself. Furthermore not only the produced toxic spike protein but also other components and contaminations of these "vaccines" are cause of serious health damage. See the links below for information about the devastating effects of the Covid "Vaccine" bioweapons:

Covid World 2022-09-17: Mass Vaccination Deaths, Damages, Data, Causal Links, Sacrificed Victims, Lawsuits and Mass Vaccination Propaganda, Lies, Coercion, Luring and Mandates Covid%20World%202022-09-17:%20Mass%20Vaccination%20Deaths, %20Damages,%20Data,%20Causal%20Links,%20Sacrificed%20... &relationship=All&drsid=0&pisid=0&page=1

Covid World 2022-05-10: Estimated Extra Deaths 3.4 Million and Estimated Serious Adverse Effects 294 Million for the First Mass Vaccinated Year vs Assumed Natural Immunity Covid%20World%202022-05-10:%201st%20Mass%20Vaccinated%20Year:%20 Estimated%20Extra%20Deaths%203.4M-Adv.%20Eff.%20294M%20vs%20ANI &relationship=All&drsid=0&pisid=0&tiname_dno=1&page=1

Images (press ctrl+ for more image detail)

The article ”Covid World 2022-10-09: Estimated Extra Deaths 31 Million and Estimated Serious Adverse Effects 1.9 Billion for 3 Years of Sars-Cov-2 Virus and Vaccine Bioweapons” was written by Paka Small – 2022/10/09.

Appendix A Data Source:

Our World in Data Excess Mortality Raw Death Count. Click the download tab below the graph on the displayed page.

Downloaded Csv September 2022 from Our World in Data Excess Mortality Raw Death Count. Right click the link and then save link as ... .

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Callbus of class Picture 's-Hertogenbosch of class Place Muffin of class Recipe Christianity of class Religion Advertising of class Sector Benelux of class Union of Countries Human-Caused Poisoning of Life and Earth: Poisoned Fields - Glyphosate, the underrated risk? of class Video Learning Geography: Maps of Belgium in Dutch of class Video Playlist @ArchiveOrg Frontline Workers Testimonies and VAERs Covid Vaccination Adverse Events – March 2021 @CNN A growing number of US colleges and univs are requiring students to get Covid-19 vaccinations @CNN FDA will evaluate Pfizers request to allow Covid-19 vaccine for children ages 12-15 as quickly @CNN To end this pandemic, weve got to get everyone in our country vaccinated, US surgeon general @DeStandaard Jan Jambon: ‘Voor de zomer krijgen alle inwoners van Vlaanderen minstens één prik’ @Forbes Travel Check: This Is The World On Covid @OregonHealth Frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine for 16- and 17-year-olds @ReturnToNow Biden Picks Mr. Monsanto Tom Vilsack to Head the USDA @REUTERS India s coronavirus deaths exceed 200,000 after record surge in cases @RTE Germany restricts AstraZeneca vaccine for under 60s @UNICEF Help spread the word that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective @VRT Premier De Croo in Karrewiet: Ook kinderen zullen na de zomer een vaccin kunnen krijgen Covid Australia 2021-11-15: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 290x Worse-Deaths 142 against 0 vs 2020-11 Not MV Covid Australia 2022-02-09: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 5075x-Deaths 2651 329pc More vs 2020:07-21:02 NMV Covid Belgium 2021-08-26: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 3.5x Worse-Deaths 2x Worse vs 2020-08 Not Mass V Covid Belgium 2021-09-20: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 2.9x Worse-Deaths 2.7x Worse vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid Belgium 2022-01-05: 6.9 Million People (60 percent) did Not take Vaccination Booster 1 Covid Canada 2021-08-26: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 6x Worse-Deaths 2x Worse vs 2020-08 Not Mass V Covid Canada 2021-09-20: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 4.7x Worse-Deaths 5.5x Worse vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid Canada 2021-09-30: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 3.1x Worse-Deaths 5.0x Worse vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid Denmark 2021-09-11: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 4x Worse-Deaths 5x Worse vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid Denmark 2022-02-20: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 96x-E-Deaths 2346 355pc More vs 2020:7-21:2 Not MV Covid Germany 2021-08-30: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 7.5x Worse-Deaths 3.3x Worse vs 2020-08 Not Mass V Covid Germany 2021-10-15: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 2.7x Worse-Deaths 3.6x Worse vs 2020-10 Not Mass V Covid Germany 2021-11-28: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 2.7x Worse-E-Deaths 2.0x Worse vs 2020:7-11 Not MV Covid Ireland 2021-08-29: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 19x Worse-Deaths 2.0x Worse vs 2020-08 Not Mass V Covid Ireland 2021-09-30: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 5.6x Worse-Deaths 4.3x Worse vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid Israel 2021-08-23: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 4.0x Worse-Deaths 2.0x Worse vs 2020-08 Not Mass V Covid Israel 2022-03-06: Mass Vaccinated-E-Deaths 2580 More vs With Natural Immunity 2021:7-22:3 Covid Netherlands 2021-08-29: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 5x Worse-Deaths 2x Worse vs 2020-08 Not Mass V Covid Netherlands 2021-09-20: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 2.5x Worse-Deaths 1.7x Worse vs 2020-09 Not MV Covid Netherlands 2021-11-28: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 2.6x Worse-E-Deaths 2.8x Worse vs 2020-11 Not MV Covid Netherlands 2022-01-02: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 1.7x-E-Deaths 4443 61pc More vs 2020:7-12 NMV Covid Netherlands 2022-07-15: Mass Vaccinated-E-Deaths 8303 More vs Natural Immunity 2021:7-22:6 Covid Russia 2022-01-31: Mass Vaccinated-E-Deaths 314828 More vs With Natural Immunity 2021:7-22:1 Covid Russia 2022-08-11: Mass Vaccinated-E-Deaths 380516 More vs Natural Immunity 2021:7-22:6 Covid Singapore 2021-08-31: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 1.2x Worse-Deaths 18-0 vs 2020-08 Not Mass V Covid Singapore 2021-09-30: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 73x Worse-Deaths 40-0 vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid Singapore 2021-10-31: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 424x Worse-Deaths 312 against 1 vs 2020-10 Not MV Covid Singapore 2022-03-11: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 555x-Deaths 1090 36333pc More vs 2020:7-21:3 NMV Covid Thailand 2022-07-22: Mass Vaccinated-E-Deaths 83926 More vs Natural Immunity 2021:7-22:6 Covid UK 2021-08-29: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 29x Worse-Deaths 9x Worse vs 2020-08 Not Mass V Covid UK 2021-09-30: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 8.9x Worse-Deaths 4.4x Worse vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid UK 2021-11-07: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 1.3x Worse-E-Deaths 5.2x Worse vs 2020:7-11 Not Mass V Covid UK 2022-01-02: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 2.1x Worse-E-Deaths 12562 57pc More vs 2020:7-12 Not MV Covid Uruguay 2022-03-14: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 0.9x-Deaths 825 120pc More vs 2020:7-21:3 Not MV Covid US 2021-08-23: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 3.5x Worse-Deaths the Same vs 2020-08 Not Mass V Covid US 2021-09-14: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 4x Worse-Deaths 1.5x Worse vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid US 2021-09-30: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 4.2x Worse-Deaths 2.5x Worse vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid US 2021-10-31: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 3.2x Worse-Deaths 1.8x Worse vs 2020-10 Not Mass V Covid US 2022-01-12: 257.7 Million People (77 percent) did Not take Vaccination Booster 1 Covid US 2022-01-29: 247.6 Million People (74 percent) did Not take Vaccination Booster 1 Covid US 2022-02-25: 240.9 Million People (72 percent) did Not take Vaccination Booster 1 Covid US 2022-03-06: Mass Vaccinated-E-Deaths 216214 More vs Assumed Natural Immunity 2021:7-22:3 Covid World 2022-03-14: 1st Mass Vaccinated Year: Estimated Extra Deaths 2.2M and Adv. Eff. 193M Covid World 2022-03-22: Assuming Natural Immunity, E-Deaths 2021-22 57pc of Peak 2020-21 Plausible Covid World 2022-04-13: 1st Mass Vaccinated Year: Estimated Extra Deaths 3.2M-Adv. Eff. 276M vs ANI Covid World 2022-05-10: 1st Mass Vaccinated Year: Estimated Extra Deaths 3.4M-Adv. Eff. 294M vs ANI Covid World 2022-09-17: Mass Vaccination Deaths, Damages, Data, Causal Links, Sacrificed ... Covid World 2022-10-01: 3 Years of Cov-Vaccine Bioweapons: Estimated Extra Deaths 28M-Adv. Eff. 895M Covid World 2022-10-09: 3 Years of Cov-Vaccine Bioweapons: Estimated Extra Deaths 31M-Adv. 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