
Covid Singapore 2021-09-30: Medium+ Mass Vaccinated (2021-07-24) - Cases 73x Worse - Deaths 40 against 0 vs 2020-09 Not Mass Vaccinated

Is the Medium+ Mass Vaccinated Singapore (120 doses / 100 people, 49% two doses, 73% one dose - 24 July 2021) heading for a covid wave and lockdown during the viral low season? Will a significant increase in number of deaths and admittances to hospitals, ICU's and on ventilators follow in line with the significant increase in active cases? Should it thus be added to the appendix A below or not?

The answer on 30 September 2021 - The Emperors without Clothes: the Medium+ Mass Vaccinated Singapore is in a deadly covid wave with active cases 73 times worse and 40 deaths against 0 versus the same period (September) previous year without mass vaccination! See:

The above observation, the exacerbation of the covid pandemic after specific antibody mass vaccination, was and is scientifically the most plausible outcome of this mass vaccination. Consequently, this science and the above observation is evidence of a serious violation, among many other serious violations (for example for young healthy people see the end of this article), of among others the following two rules of the Nuremberg Code:
The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.

The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
And now they also have plans and already effective implementations (seen worldwide) to mandate besides luring and forcing the covid mass vaccination!

Concerning Delta:
1. According to my insights high transmissibility and of course “It has features that enable escape from the immune system” of the Delta variant are important signs of a serious and dangerous viral immune escape variant driven by specific antibody mass vaccination and by lockdowns! See article links below.

2. Is there an increased risk for ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) and antibody mediated enhancement of the disease with this delta and derived variants?

See the next article link: now with appendix A: Articles about and images from mass vaccinated countries with:
– surges: viral immune escape and potentially antibody dependent and/or mediated enhancement (these are strong and dangerous worsenings of the disease) variants driven by the specific antibody mass vaccination? What about fully vaccinated people getting infected and dying with the Delta and derived variants with an apparently 6 fold death rate? and
– lockdowns
Mongolia, Seychelles, Bahrain and many more countries to be added to appendix A and with worldwide vaccination and covid situation maps.

@CNN To end this pandemic, 'we've got to get everyone in our country vaccinated,' US surgeon general says Top criticizing and/or clarifying comments, links and images of the above CNN main article follow further down after the links to the main article.
http://www.tumia.org/en/directory/en/instance.php? tiname=@CNN%20To%20end%20this%20pandemic,%20weve%20got%20to%20get%20everyone %20in%20our%20country%20vaccinated,%20US%20surgeon%20general&relationship=All&drsid=0&pisid=0&page=1

The latter increase results in high reported adverse effect probabilities and death probabilities after covid vaccination that are for the young extremely higher than the death probability after about one year of covid:
http://www.tumia.org/en/directory/en/instance.php?tiname= @ArchiveOrg%20Frontline%20Workers%20Testimonies%20and%20VAERs %20Covid%20Vaccination%20Adverse%20Events%20%E2%80%93 %20March%202021&relationship=All&drsid=0&pisid=0&tiname_dno=1&page=1

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The article ”Covid Singapore 2021-09-30: Medium+ Mass Vaccinated (2021-07-24) - Cases 73x Worse - Deaths 40 against 0 vs 2020-09 Not Mass Vaccinated” was written by Paka Small – 2021/09/30.

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|< <-- --> EN FR NL SW Ascot Residence Watamu of class Accommodatie De Belgische Apenkaste of class Artikel Bamburi natuurpark of class Attractie Kat of class Dier Hydro-electriciteit of class Energie een Belgische Belbus of class Foto Christendom of class Godsdienst Niveau 1 Internet Domeinen in Tumia of class Grafiek 00e89d5.netsolhost.com of class Internet Domein java Object.equals(java.lang.Object) controleert een operator enum of class Java Code Voorbeeld java.lang.Object of class Java Klasse java.lang.Object.clone() of class Java Methode Tandarts Joblijst in België of class Joblijst Vluchtkosten Vergelijking of class Kennis Globale Opwarming van de Aarde 2000 AD of class Klimaatsverandering Australië of class Land Benelux of class Landenunie Lidwoorden in het Nederlands of class Leerdoel Brussels Airlines of class Luchtvaartmaatschappij Bob Marley of class Persoon 's-Hertogenbosch of class Plaats Muffin of class Recept Reclame of class Sector De Nederlandse Taal of class Taal Bonenteelt of class Teelt Human-Caused Poisoning of Life and Earth: Poisoned Fields - Glyphosate, the underrated risk? of class Video Aardrijkskunde Leren: Kaarten van België in het Nederlands of class Video Afspeellijst @ArchiveOrg Frontline Workers Testimonies and VAERs Covid Vaccination Adverse Events – March 2021 @CNN A growing number of US colleges and univs are requiring students to get Covid-19 vaccinations @CNN FDA will evaluate Pfizers request to allow Covid-19 vaccine for children ages 12-15 as quickly @CNN To end this pandemic, weve got to get everyone in our country vaccinated, US surgeon general @DeStandaard Jan Jambon: ‘Voor de zomer krijgen alle inwoners van Vlaanderen minstens één prik’ @Forbes Travel Check: This Is The World On Covid @OregonHealth Frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine for 16- and 17-year-olds @ReturnToNow Biden Picks Mr. Monsanto Tom Vilsack to Head the USDA @REUTERS India s coronavirus deaths exceed 200,000 after record surge in cases @RTE Germany restricts AstraZeneca vaccine for under 60s @UNICEF Help spread the word that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective @VRT Premier De Croo in Karrewiet: Ook kinderen zullen na de zomer een vaccin kunnen krijgen Covid Australia 2021-11-15: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 290x Worse-Deaths 142 against 0 vs 2020-11 Not MV Covid Australië 2022-02-09: Massagevaccineerd-Gevallen 5075x-Doden 2651 329pc Meer vs 2020:7-21:2 NM Covid België 2021-08-26: Massagevaccineerd-Gevallen 3.5x Erger-Doden 2x Erger vs 2020-08 Niet MV Covid België 2021-09-20: Massagevaccineerd-Gevallen 2.9x Erger-Doden 2.7x Erger vs 2020-09 Niet MV Covid België 2022-01-05: 6,9 Miljoen Mensen (60 percent) hebben Vaccinatie Booster 1 niet genomen Covid Canada 2021-08-26: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 6x Worse-Deaths 2x Worse vs 2020-08 Not Mass V Covid Canada 2021-09-20: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 4.7x Worse-Deaths 5.5x Worse vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid Canada 2021-09-30: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 3.1x Worse-Deaths 5.0x Worse vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid Denemarken 2022-02-20: Massagevaccineerd-Gevallen 96x-O-Doden 2346 355pc Meer vs 20:7-21:2 NMV Covid Denmark 2021-09-11: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 4x Worse-Deaths 5x Worse vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid Duitsland 2021-08-30: Massagevaccineerd-Gevallen 7.5x Erger-Doden 3.3x Erger vs 2020-08 Nt MV Covid Duitsland 2021-10-15: Massagevaccineerd-Gevallen 2.7x Erger-Doden 3.6x Erger vs 2020-10 Nt MV Covid Duitsland 2021-11-28: Massagevaccineerd-Gevallen 2.7x Erger-O-Doden 2.0x Erger vs 2020:7-11 NM Covid Ireland 2021-08-29: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 19x Worse-Deaths 2.0x Worse vs 2020-08 Not Mass V Covid Ireland 2021-09-30: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 5.6x Worse-Deaths 4.3x Worse vs 2020-09 Not Mass V Covid Israel 2021-08-23: Mass Vaccinated-Cases 4.0x Worse-Deaths 2.0x Worse vs 2020-08 Not Mass V Covid Israel 2022-03-06: Massagevaccineerd-E-Doden 2580 Meer vs Bij Natuurlijke Imm. 2021:7-22:3 Covid Nederland 2021-08-26: Massagevaccineerd-Gevallen 5x Erger-Doden 2x Erger vs 2020-08 Niet MV Covid Nederland 2021-09-20: Massagevaccineerd-Gevallen 2.5x Erger-Doden 1.7x Erger vs 2020-09 Nt MV Covid Nederland 2021-11-28: Massagevaccineerd-Gevallen 2.6x Erger-O-Doden 2.8x Erger vs 2020-11 N MV Covid Nederland 2022-01-02: Massagevaccineerd-Gevallen 1.7x-O-Doden 4443 61pc Meer vs 2020:7-12 NMG Covid Nederland 2022-07-15: Massagevaccineerd-O-Doden 8303 Meer vs Natuurl. 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